CBCF Congressional and Research Fellowship Program

The in-person CBCF Congressional and Research Fellowship Program equips early career policy professionals who are committed to contributing to public policy with the necessary skills to do so.

Please see descriptions of each Fellowship type below:

Congressional Fellows are placed in the Senate, House of Representatives and other select offices to become the next generation of leaders in public service. The program is an intensive 12-month policy training and leadership development program which enables Fellows to receive hands-on public policy training as full-time legislative aides and policy analysts. CBCF Fellowship discipline areas include Health, Cybersecurity, Aerospace/Defense, Diversity & Technology, Finance & Economics, Foreign Policy, Energy, Environment Sustainability, and more. Applicants of all backgrounds will be considered for this opportunity.

Congressional Fellowships
During the first six-months of the Fellowship Program, Fellows are placed in a Congressional office. During the second six-months of the Fellowship Program, Congressional Fellows transition to a Congressional committee or subcommittee. The committee placement complements their experience in
a Member’s office and provides Fellows with a full view of the legislative process including, but not limited to…

  • Overseeing a bill move from the committee to the floor
  • Recommending strategies and tactics on bills and positions
  • Writing and reviewing legislative memos

Research Fellowships
CBCF also offers Research Fellowships, which are an opportunity to engage in a one-year research Fellowship with our Center for Policy Analysis and Research. This opportunity does not include a rotation in a Congressional office, as applies with the Congressional Fellowship Opportunities.

All Fellows are expected to engage in the following as part of the Fellowship opportunity:

  • Monthly professional development sessions with CBCF
  • Completion of a social impact service project with a nonprofit of their choice
  • Routine engagement with their respective sponsor
  • SMART goal creation for each six-month rotation (Congressional Fellows)

CBCF staff will offer information sessions to allow prospective applicants to learn more about our Fellowship program. Should this be of interest, please register:

Candidate Requirements

  • U.S. citizenship or a permit to work in the U.S. for the duration of the program
  • A master’s degree, doctoral degree, or juris doctorate obtained by the start date of the program
  • Familiarity with the federal legislative process, the U.S. Congress, the Congressional Black Caucus and its members, and related policy
  • Superior analytical skills
  • Outstanding oral and written communication skills
  • Demonstrated commitment to social justice either through public policy, professional experience, or community-related activism aimed at improving the living conditions of the global Black community

Note: Do not apply to the Fellowship Program if you have not yet obtained a graduate level degree (or have obtained one by program start). On occasion, CBCF will consider applications of those who wish to take a leave of absence from their doctoral studies to participate in the program (this ONLY applies when applicants have already obtained a master’s degree). Fellows are not permitted to be actively enrolled in graduate courses or outside employment for the duration of the Fellowship program.

September Fellowship Program Dates:
Start Date: September 2, 2025
End Date: September 4, 2026
Application Deadline: May 2, 2025

Application Materials
The following items will be requested through the online application:

  • 2 Essay Question Responses
  • 2 letters of recommendation, submitted electronically (hard copy letters will not be accepted)
  • Resume listing extracurricular activities, honors, employment, community service, and special skills (2-page limit)
  • Cover letter discussing the applicant’s academic and professional background, and explaining the applicant’s interest in the Fellowship, how the fellowship fits into the applicant’s career plans, and any experience that would make the applicant highly effective in this position (2-page limit)
  • A recent photograph suitable for publication (i.e., a graduation photo or other professional-quality photograph in which the subject is formally dressed)

Selection Process
The selection process is highly competitive. Annually, CBCF accepts fewer than 10% of those who apply. Applications are reviewed by a selection committee comprised of CBCF staff and external partners. Only top candidates receive an invitation to interview for a select number of fellowship opportunities, based on the quality of their application and demonstrated interest in social justice policy. Finalists are selected and notified by the CBCF. Any incomplete or late application packets will not be reviewed.

Fellowship Benefits

  • CBCF Congressional Fellows receive a full salary and benefits for the duration of the program. The salary range is $60-$70,000 based on Fellowship type and is non-negotiable.*
  • As part of our new partnership with Air BnB, Fellows who take part in our Fellowships will receive transitional housing prior to their official move to Washington, DC. Details will follow pending applicant acceptance.

Requests for Accommodations
Fellows may request an approved exemption from the vaccination requirement as an accommodation for medical or sincerely held religious reasons:

  • Fellows may request an accommodation for a medical reason such as a disability (as defined by applicable law), pregnancy (or childbirth or a related medical condition), being a nursing mother, having a documented medical condition that contraindicates the vaccination, or any other trait, characteristic, or class for which applicable law requires the CBCF to provide reasonable workplace accommodations.
  • Fellows may request an accommodation for a non-medical reason, such as an objection to being vaccinated on the basis of sincerely held religious beliefs and practices.

Accommodation requests should be submitted to Human Resources in writing.

Additional Note: Former Fellows, immediate relatives of a CBCF employee, CBC Member, CBC Spouse, a staff person of a CBC Member or Spouse, a member of the CBCF Board of Directors, Corporate Advisory Council Member of CBCF, or any CBCF-sponsoring entity are not eligible for CBCF Fellowship programs.

Please email Fellowships@cbcfinc.org with any questions.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you previously participated in a fellowship with CBCF?
  2. For which cohort do you desire to be considered?
  3. Please select all Fellowship opportunities for which you'd like to be considered.
  4. Have you been arrested for something greater than a misdemeanor?
  5. If you answered yes, please explain in detail the charges and the result.
  6. Upload a legible copy of your current transcript in a PDF file. We must be able to read clearly the name of academic institution, student name and information, courses, grades and other information detailed on the transcript (unofficial accepted).
  7. Upload CV/Resume (PDF Format) listing academic accomplishments, extracurricular activities, honors, employment, community service, and special skills.
  8. Essay 1: You are working in the office of a congressional member as a subject matter expert in your respective profession. Draft a memo to your congressional member discussing three policy areas that you deem most critical to the advancement of the Black community, and why your representative should prioritize these items on his/her agenda, and how s/he can create awareness on these issues. Be sure to cite your sources. [1,000 word maximum]
  9. Essay 2: Choose a social justice policy issue (i.e., criminal justice reform, Black maternal health, school-to prison pipeline, public education, or racial discrimination in the workplace) you find most relevant to the Black community in the last three congressional sessions. Discuss the status of the legislation, the key members involved with the issue, and the potential or current effects of the legislation on the Black community. Be sure to cite your sources. [1,000 word maximum]
  10. Letter of Recommendation 1: Upload letter of recommendation in PDF format. The letter must contain recommender's full name, professional title, contact email, and telephone number.
  11. Letter of Recommendation 2: Upload letter of recommendation in PDF format. The letter must contain recommender's full name, professional title, contact email, and telephone number.
  12. Name of your U.S. Representative based on your permanent address. To determine your Representative, enter your permanent address zip code here. If more than one representative is shown, please enter your full address.
  13. Name of your U.S. Representative based on your academic institution's address. To determine your Representative, enter your academic institution's address zip code here. If more than one representative is shown, please enter your academic institution's full address.
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